P K Prasanna Venkatesan

The First 10 minutes of the day technique

The first 10 minutes of your day are, without question, the most important.

They set the tone for how the rest of your day will be. They reflect how you will show up to the world.

Will you be proactive or reactive this day?

Will you be in a hurry or purposeful?

Will you be guided and inspired, or tossed to and fro with every email, phone call, interruption, and distraction that comes your way?

Will you be in control of your time or will time be in control of you?

Will you be a leader or a victim?

Will you take risks or play safe?

Will you attract abundance or scarcity?

Will you be the recipient of luck and miracles or disappointment and disaster?

Will you move toward or away from your hopes and dreams?

Robin Sharma, author of The Leader without a Title, spends the first 10 minutes of his day praying, laughing, and asking himself the question:

“If this was the last day of my life, how would I spend it?”This question helps.

Sharma ensure his day is spent precisely how he feels it should be.

My first 10 minutes are spent in prayer — deeply expressing gratitude for everything in my present and future life. Additionally, I visualize myself achieving my day’s top priorities, and asking God to elevate my performance in everything I do.

When I walk away from these 10 minutes, I know I’m in a position of abundance and power. I know I’ve become a magnet for incredible possibilities, and that the work I’ll do this day will exceed my natural abilities.

Spend Your First 10 Minutes of the Day in Prayer, Gratitude, Laughter & This Question.

Your Life will turn magical & miraculous like mine. I Promise!

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